We take a break from our regularly-scheduled program to advise our readers of a webinar that will be hosted by our friends at the American Planning Association’s Planning and Law Division:
Gentrification, Displacement, and the Law
Thursday, October 10, 2019
2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. CT
CM I 1.50 I Law
CLE 1.50 through Illinois State Bar
Gentrification is one of the complex planning challenges of our times, but the legal limits on how local communities can respond to these pressures are often unclear. While there is no shortage of well-meaning ideas about how to slow the gentrification process or mitigate its impacts, some of those ideas may not be legal, and others could have significant unintended consequences. This webinar will review those laws that impose obligations to protect America’s citizens against some forms of pressure and discrimination, as well as those that prohibit certain local government actions. This review ill include the Community Reinvestment Act, the Fair Housing Amendments Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act, and constitutional limits on interference with contracts or the fundamental right to buy and sell property. However, the real action on gentrification is at the local level, so panelists will also review selected municipal laws and policies.
Click here to register.